, Argentina

Drinking coffee like a Porteño

The laidback charm of All Saints

By Kenny Mah

Fashionable looking Porteños trot past us, managing the ineffable act of being brisk and laidback at the same time. This is Buenos Aires, where even if you’re in a hurry, you’re never in that much of a hurry that you couldn’t stop by a coffee bar for a cuppa.

It helps that we are at All Saints Café in the heart of the Argentinian capital’s Av. Corrientes, a street synonymous with tango and traffic. Owners Sebastian, Taylor and Ezequiel Freidzon opened the original All Saints Café in the upmarket Belgrano barrio in 2014.

Today the café is an institution in itself, revered by Porteños from all over the city for their organic coffee that is roasted in-house. The décor is eclectic – part woodsy cabin, part rock arena.

All that hipster affectations don’t worry us; the baristas at All Saints are some of the friendliest in town. They welcome our questions and invite us to take pictures of them brewing filter coffee, still something of novelty in a city where many residents of Italian descent only consider espresso real coffee.

Don’t blame us if we do as Porteños do: never hurry, not we can watch the world go by with a coffee by our side.