Conversations. Coffee. Calm. Fresher updates here.
1:55 I am not telepathic. I don’t know who you are and how you would see me humbled. I know not your tastes though I suspect they are prurient, perfect. I have never won a Grand Slam, but sure I have lost before, lost big, … Continue reading5:55
The things you do when you’re alone
You eat. You drink. You wake and try to sleep. You write or you wait. They call or they won’t. The sun will shine or the rain will pour. You observe this; you may choose to ignore it. There’s work to be done; there always … Continue readingThe things you do when you’re alone
The dancer
When she was younger, before she had earned enough money for her college tuition, she used to dance. She can’t remember the names of the strip clubs now or the faces of the men. Not even the music; it was merely a cue, when to … Continue readingThe dancer
Those days
Those days I seemed to know who I was. Those days had me laughing like I never knew how to laugh before. (I must forgotten how, since.) Those days were the worst, and the best, of days, for I recall each and every one of … Continue readingThose days
Leave nothing but seeds … Continue readingApple
The masterplan
Anything can happen. We learn this simple truth early, if we are fortunate. We prepare ourselves for life by realising there is no possible preparation; we learn to accept uncertainty. Try telling this to a 23-year-old attempting to backpack alone all over Europe with very … Continue readingThe masterplan