, Thailand

Steak, egg and rice

How we fill our bellies and our souls

By Kenny Mah

Fluffy jasmine rice, sautéed capsicum in their lovely charred reds and yellow, a sunny side up with crispy brown edges, thinly sliced minute steak and a smattering of blackened garlic and rosemary. This is all I need, I realise, to start the day and the year.

Fill up the belly and fill the soul with joy. Delight the eyes and the tongue and there is nothing that wouldn’t give you pleasure.

There is beauty in everything yet it is so easy to forget that, so easy to see only ugliness, hear only curses, imagine only insults.

So for now I study the plate before me, a gift of rice and vegetables and egg and steak and aromatics, and I give thanks for it. I eat, one spoon at a time, tasting everything, absorbing all that is good and blessed in this life.