
You sit in the back of the car as I drive and we both make fun of you from the front. Easy banter, lousy jokes, cheap shots. You are rolling your eyes and we know this even without turning around or checking the rear-view mirror. … Continue readingDry

Smell This

“Here, smell this,” she tells us. We take our little cannisters of hand-roasted coffee beans, unscrew the lids and then take a deep whiff. Heavenly. Then we exchange our cannisters and inhale again. We discuss the differences in flavours, wondering aloud if we even know … Continue readingSmell This

Roti Valentine

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” That’s Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Sonnet 43. I wonder if she had to endure a modern Valentine’s Day where the ways that seem to count inevitably include: A box of artisanal, handcrafted, bean-to-bar chocolates; an entirely … Continue readingRoti Valentine