, Argentina

Missing out

There could be realms beyond

By Kenny Mah

Even halfway across the world, at the very end of the world, in fact, I had managed to stay glued to my screen.

We were taking a break from wandering in the near deserted town, from the cruise ships that brought us to islands to see penguins, from hiking in the mountains where half wild horses roamed.

The sea stretched before us, outside the window. The sky unbound. There could be realms beyond the horizon; there was Antarctica, certainly.

Yet I took opportunity of the decent WiFi connection to check my messages. Friends were asking where we were (Ushuaia, Argentina) and why (the southernmost city in the world, so why not?). It seemed rude not to reply.

You told me to look around.

I obeyed, as I always do. And remember why I do.

Outside, a rainbow reached down from the sky to the sea. Pale but clearly there: present and perfect, ephemeral and entirely beautiful.

I’d have missed out on that but for your instruction.

I put away my phone and you yours and we watched the rainbow until it faded away and we continued looking out anyway, at the sky and the sea and all that could be.