, Malaysia

Kettlebell concerto

Discover what works for you

By Kenny Mah

It takes time to figure out some things in life.

Doesn’t have to be anything world shattering like True Love or Big Money. Just getting a handle on regular exercise can be a struggle. We all know we need it but oh it can be a chore.

Scheduling enough friends for a futsal match or braving the traffic and locating a parking bay simply to hit the gym – it’s enough to defeat us.

Maybe it’s just me. Maybe everyone else finds the right path for themselves early on: yoga or tennis or swimming or something.

For me it’s kettlebells. Something I can go at it alone, at home. No excuses.

Kettlebells for beginners, if you will.

It’s like a concerto these days. The word itself comes from Latin: concertare, meaning a competition or a battle. And we do battle ourselves daily, to strengthen our bodies and to improve our minds and to heal our souls.

Except there is no one else we are competing with, and when we battle ourselves, it is with kindness and love. We are making ourselves better. We want to be well and happy and healthy and strong so we may be around longer for the ones we love.

This is a concerto I’m happy to be playing. With every kettlebell swing, with every Turkish get-up, I’m saying I love you to myself. I’m saying here’s to taking the time to figure out life, one rep at a time.